Rye Medical Centre is a dispensing practice. This means that some patients can collect their medicines from the surgery.
Dispensary hours
The Dispensary is open Monday to Friday, 9am to 12 noon and 2pm to 6pm.
If we have your mobile number, we will send a text to let you know when your medication is ready to collect.
You can use an online form to give us your mobile number.
If you are on continuous medication authorised by your doctor, you can order a repeat prescription.
To order a repeat prescription
- Use your NHS account (on the NHS website or in the NHS app).
- Use your Patient Access account (on the Patient Access website or in the Patient Access app).
- Use the repeat ordering slip on your previous prescription.
Find out more about registering for online services.
Non-dispensing patients
We are only able to dispense medicine to patients who live more than 1 mile (as the crow flies) from a pharmacy, with the exception of patients living in Peasmarsh.
If we cannot dispense your medicines, we can send your prescription to your preferred pharmacy for you to collect there.
Alternatively, you can collect the paper prescription from the surgery and take this to any pharmacy to be dispensed.
We can also post your prescription to you if you provide us with a stamped, addressed envelope.
Dispensing patients
If we dispense your medicine from the surgery, it should be available for collection after three working days.
If you have asked for the rural village pick-up service it should be available at one of the village pick-up points after three working days.
There are boxes inside and outside the surgery to save you time. There are also boxes at the following rural collection/delivery points:
- Brede – Medication only is delivered to the shop on Wednesdays.
- Camber – Repeat prescriptions are collected from the surgery every Wednesday. Our Dispensary delivery driver delivers medication to those who have requested this service every Wednesday.
- Icklesham – Prescriptions collected from Village Hall on Tuesdays and Fridays. Our Dispensary delivery driver will be at the branch surgery every Tuesday and Friday from 10am to 11am for you to pick up your medication.
- Iden Post Office – Prescriptions are collected on Wednesdays. Medication is delivered to the store on the following Wednesday.
- Rye Harbour Stores, Winchelsea Post Office, Winchelsea Beach Co-op – Prescriptions collected on Wednesdays. Medication delivered on the following Wednesday.
Medication reviews
We have a duty to review your health and medicines regularly. We will let you know if you need to make an appointment for a medication review with either our practice nurses or your doctor.
If you need urgent advice about your medication outside our surgery hours, please call NHS 111.
Over-the-counter medications
To help the NHS budget stretch as far as possible, the government is asking patients to buy over the counter medications rather than asking the GP for a prescription. This includes hay fever medications, moisturising creams, paracetamol, and ibuprofen and aspirin.
Forgotten your prescription while on holiday?
If you run out of medicines while you are away from home in the UK, the following options are available:
- Speak to a local pharmacy – they may be able to give you an emergency supply. Take any packaging or repeat slips in with you to help them find the correct medication. Note there may be a charge.
- Visit an NHS Walk-in Centre or local GP surgery – they will be able to give you a prescription for your medication.
- Phone NHS 111.